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Africa Renewable Energy Manufacturing Initiative


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Africa Renewable Energy Manufacturing Initiative



Africa Renewable Energy Manufacturing Initiative (Africa REMI) envisions leveraging industrial development and cooperation through South-South Cooperation to enable the scaling up of manufacturing capability in Africa to boost the local market and make renewable energy a key anchor for clean energy development and energy transition.



Energy serves as the prerequisite for economic and social development. Every leap forward in productivity is closely related to an energy revolution. At present, with technological advancements, renewable energy has proven its potential to become the primary energy source in the coming decades. Renewable energy-dominated energy systems can be a solution to a multitude of issues including energy accessibility, economic development, environmental protection, and climate change, while paving the way for achieving the UN (United Nations) Sustainable Development Goals.

Leaders across the African continent have committed their support to advancing Africa’s energy transition – which addresses the twin challenges of energy poverty and the climate crisis. However, the investment required to advance the energy transition in Africa is staggering. The World Bank estimates that Africa needs USD 6.5 trillion between now and 2050 for mitigation action alone to keep temperatures below 2 degrees of warming. This represents a daunting challenge and an opportunity for the continent to deal with availability and affordability shortcomings. The rapid scale up of renewable energy in China, India and ASEAN countries offers valuable experiences for Africa – specially on the means to develop green manufacturing that allows benefits from the shifting energy mix to accrue to local communities. Strategic partnerships must be formed to facilitate cooperation among the Global South countries to enable manufacturing and deployment of renewable energy technologies at scale. Localizing green manufacturing capabilities should include all areas including solar PV, energy storage and electric vehicles. 

As African nations make progress on their energy transition opportunity, comprehensive sectoral planning to make an economy wide shift towards a green economy is critical.



Africa REMI Initiative aims to synergize resources from South-South Cooperation to accelerate the creation of green manufacturing capacity in Africa as an enabler of the transition; as well as income generation. This will be achieved through capacity building, knowledge transfer, policy dialogues, advocacy as well as pilot projects – to empower African nations to achieve low-emission development and carbon neutrality in the long term.  



At the 2023 Abu Dhabi Sustainability week, Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), The African Climate Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropy, the Climate Works Foundation and the Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association (CREIA) will launch this joint initiative that partners with intergovernmental agencies, enterprises, financial institutions, and research institutions working in the renewable energy field and green industries, to empower African countries to cultivate and scale up their renewable energy manufacturing capability.

Africa REMI brings together best practices of key players in the renewable energy field and gathers valuable experience especially from the Global South countries, championing renewable energy as a key anchor for the energy industry and economic growth in Africa.

Africa REMI is an international initiative that aims to enhance Africa's renewable energy development capacity and industrial chain resilience, focusing on areas including building workforce, set-up best-in-class business environment, better cultivating a robust manufacturing ecosystem, and incubating pilot projects. We hope to unite governments in Africa and the Global South, renewable energy industries, academia, and research institutions, to make full use of existing cooperation mechanisms and channels as well as further strengthening cooperation in the following programs:

I. People program: Building Africa’s future RE manufacturing workforce. Sponsor training, employment and career development of engineers and technicians in Africa, with a focus on solar PV, battery refinery, and key adjacent industries. The program will focus on supporting technical schools, developing online courses, worker exchange, sharing best practices to meet the demand for industrial chain localization, technology application, and project development.

II. Policy program: Enable the set-up of best-in-class business environment. Inform, train, and support African government officials to accelerate and bolster their policymaking for “Africa for Africa” green manufacturing including but not limited to policy awareness, leadership development, country-specific policy pathway, policy advocacy.

III. Anchor program: Attract mature green manufacturers at scale to Africa. Provide mature green manufacturers with better access to consulting and financing services and cultivate a robust green manufacturing ecosystem in Africa. Major activities include but not limited to help building granular business cases, finding the optimal operating model in staffing and governance structure, understanding “status quo” of available financing, funding tailored advocacy and policy negotiations, scaling green capacity investment and finding best practice partnerships.

IV. Accelerator program: Incubate Africa green manufacturing projects. Provide end-to-end grant support for green manufacturing projects in Africa, from planning, financing, to operations and sales of end projects. Sponsor training for business leaders, fund partnership and connecting players in Africa and the Global South, innovative financing hub, grant for pilot projects and solutions, and support tailored business models.

The core objective of Africa REMI going forward is to move from plan to action-demonstrating results in countries and scaling up local manufacturing of renewable energy components in Africa.  As an open initiative, we expect more participation from organizations and enterprises to garner wisdom and strength from all stakeholders and jointly promote the global energy transition and help achieve low-carbon development.







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